Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bug List

  1. The cost of auto insurance for a teenage drivers is astronomical. My bill tripled just adding my son to our policy. (Why? Inexperienced drivers, higher risk of accidents, they know they can get away with it.)
  2. Check engine lights that come on for no apparent reason. (Why? There probably is a reason but I just cant figure it out.)
  3. The parking spots at my work are extremely tight for large vehicles. (Why? They were probably able to increase number of spots by skimming inches away from every spot, or the line painter drives a Fiat.)
  4. After reaching the age of 40, your body has the ability to grow a half inch hair on your ears or nostrils overnight. (Why? Some kind of sick joke.)
  5. Gas pumps that "click" and shutoff multiple times when you're no where close to being topped off. (Why? Maybe pressure build up or non calibrated sensors.)
  6. Removing a staple you have two options, rip your fingernail off or use the fancy tool and rip holes in your document. (Why? The window of opportunity for someone to improve the staple remover has closed)
  7. When my computer locks up, freezes, or does just about anything I didn't tell it to do. (Why? Some idiot thinks viruses are cool and that idiot is smarter than me.)
  8. Waiting at a red light when there is no other human being within miles. (Why? The county would not spring for the embedded sensors in the road and instead just loaded the standard timed program.)
  9. The god awful smell of paint. (Why? Not sure about this one seeing as how we can make candles that smell like the rain forest or some other botanical euphoria.)
  10. It takes four solid minutes of running my shower before the hot water starts to be felt. (Why? My bedroom shower is as far away from the hot water heater as could be possible.)
  11. Magnetic strips on debit / credit cards that wear out and the machines wont read them. (Why? Too much use, or rubbing together with other cards in your wallet.)
  12. The cost of a soft drink at a restaurant. Seriously $2.50? (Why? They can get away with it.)
  13. Driving on a two lane road behind someone refusing to go the speed limit, but oncoming traffic is perfectly spaced out so you can't pass. (Why? Sometimes life just gangs up on you.)
  14. Needing over ten different log on and password combinations just to make it through my day. (Why? People trying to steal my identity, money, or property are just assholes.)
  15. When people are late...for anything and everything. (Why? They believe themselves to more important than the rest of the world.)
  16. Having a cat litter box in general. How disgusting. (Why? When you have to go, you have to go I guess.)
  17. When items ring up at the register differently than what is marked in the aisles. (Why? The store did not load the sale program for the week, or the mysterious bar-code system is out of whack.)
  18. When the dryer lint screen does not get cleaned despite my repeated reminders. (Why? There are way too many more important things to worry about in life.)
  19. When my most comfortable clothes begin to wear out. (Why? Probably worn more often and have a shorter shelf life.)
  20. The entire reality television genre. It doesn't appear to be based in reality. (Why? Cheaper to produce than regular shows.)
Doing this bug list assignment was interesting and took a little bit of effort. I kept a list going throughout the week and just jotted down an idea or two as they came to me. I generally try to make it through the week with a positive attitude and try to not let things bug me, but this week I was all in. I hope you can relate to at least a few of my bugs.


  1. Hi Jeff,
    How right you are about so many items on your list! I was easily able to relate to many of them. I couldn’t agree with you more about how expensive a soft drink is in a restaurant, especially when it can be watered down, served with too much ice, or even without carbonation. This is exacerbated by the fact that I can buy a can of soda for as low as 25 cents. I think next time we should make a statement and bring our own cans to the restaurant! I also agree with needing so many user id’s and passwords and how difficult it is to keep track of them. I would recommend using Keypass which keeps track of all your login information in an easy to use format. Check it out and I hope it helps! I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  2. Your "Bug List" was interesting. The two that really caught my attention was the need to remember so many passwords just to make it through the day and the reality TV show genre. They need to make it a standard practice to install CAC card readers on all computers. It's so easy at work but once I get home then I have to remember a password to check email, pay bills, watch Netflix, check my bank account, do school work and the list goes on. Reality shows just bug me all together. They should be a broadcast regulation that states "reality shows shall only be broadcasted between 11pm - 6am". These shows destroy brain cells by the nanosecond. I noticed both of our lists contained references to car maintenance, driving, computers, and the cost of products and services. I looked for most problems with my home while most of your problems were outside of your home. Also, it was difficult for me to complete the assignment for the same reasons of remaining positive and not trying to let things bug me too much. I felt like I was just complaining about petty issues but about through the assignment then I got over it. Nice list of some really thought out issues Jeff.

  3. Hey Jeff,

    You did a fantastic job with this assignment. I love the humor you infused into your list. I can certainly relate to many items on that list. At work, I have so many different login and password combinations... it's insane! I also hate paying 3 bucks for a soda at restaurants. Also, I recently made the mistake of ordering a strawberry lemonade and assuming it would be the same price as a soda. They charged me $5 for it. i was less than pleased. ;) Great job!

    - Ryan
