Saturday, June 4, 2016

Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

The interviews continue to offer valuable insight to my original design and concept. I have simply not come across many people who encounter these fasteners on sailboats, but the more I discuss the reasoning with people, more opportunities pop up. From the interviews and through observation, I am gaining valuable insight as to where my device could be utilized. These range from diesel truck mechanics, bartenders, the elderly, box openers, frequent key ring users such as rental managers, and battery installers. Some people simply don’t have a need at all or are satisfied with how they are currently coping with prying apart difficult objects. But for the most part, I am discovering that with small variations, this could be a useful tool to just about anyone.

Inside the Boundary
Anyone who has difficulty prying apart things and who are open to innovation fall inside the boundary of opportunity. My device saves time, frustration, and offers a layer of safety previously not thought about. The more people encounter the need to pry things apart, the more relevant it seems.

Outside the Boundary

As stated above, some people are just not interested because they don’t encounter these situations often enough to seek a better option or are satisfied with how they currently are doing things. To them, there is no need, and there is no convincing them otherwise. Stubbornness, set in their ways, and resistance to innovation are some explanations as to why they fall outside the boundary of opportunity.


  1. Hi Jeff,

    You are absolutely correct about your insight. Many people do not own a sailboat and would not be in the market for your original product. However, through a few interviews the needs expand far beyond sailing hardware to a multitude of other uses. It could very well be an essential tool for everyone's kitchen and garage workshop. I look forward to seeing this in stores soon!

  2. Jeff, I appreciate the versatility of your idea and its many applications. While I have never come across this opportunity and know little about sailing, I am very intrigued by your innovation and see how it can be of great use in every day scenarios. There have been many times in my days of tooling, constructing, and tending to mechanics where I have been in dire need of a tool such as yours. You are right in the fat that people may seem uninterested until they are in need! Certainly now that this has been brought to my attention, though, I am likely a soon-to-be customer.

  3. When I first saw your initial post about this opportunity I was wondering if you would have enough of a problem to make this a viable venture. It seems that through interviews you are modifying the original idea just enough to make it a worthwhile venture. I know there will be some that will not make the transition. My dad is very set in his ways for many things when it comes to working in the mechanical world. However, there are plenty more that are willing to try new products like this.

  4. Jeff,

    I think you have a great variety within your interviews and find ways to make people need your product in some way. I like that in your findings paragraph you stated all the different types of ways your product would useful. I would have not thought of some of those services needing this. With that being said, I think your idea will take off and be a very useful and handy device.

  5. Jeff,

    It is great that you are discovering the versatility of your product. Key rings can be quite a pain and I sure would like a devise that helps me get things on and off them. Learning that this need applies to more people than just those who work on sailboats will be valuable insight as we move in le class.

  6. Jeff,

    I think it's great that you have interviews with people whom would and would not use the product. Due to the number of circumstances in which this product could be needed, reminds me of one of those gadgets several people may have lying around the house but is not one they have at the fore-front of their mind until it's needed. But, when they do need it, they're glad they have the handy device. I really like your idea!

  7. Jeff awesome idea man, having grown up around boats it's shocking that no one has thought about something like this sooner. I definitely see a market for this, with the right advertising many people in the boating world would use this product. I can especially relate to the bartender in the aspect of not knowing how helpful something like that is until to use it. Great post man.

  8. Hello Jeff,

    I think your multipurpose tab ring is a great show of ingenuity. Your interviews were quite informative, I have often wondered why bartenders/bartendresses employed other tools like bottle openers and utensils in place of their hands to open beer cans. I suggests you also look into the aptitude of your device in a kitchen setting as an accessory for prep chefs. It sounds like the tab ring could be helpful in the slicing of plastic wrap and wax paper as well. Good luck with furthering your vision.

  9. Hi Jeff,
    Your interviews were great once again. You were able to explain everything to them really well. I'm glad to see that with these interviews, you were able to gain insight about other areas your innovation could be used. It's very important to get as much feedback as possible in order to expand your idea and explore new markets.

  10. Hi Jeff,

    I have to say that I personally have never come across the opportunity of going on a sailboat so I have no idea of the things you need to do it successfully. Having that said, I think your interviews are going to help you a lot due to the fact that its the only way people can actually get an insight about your product. By having people get an idea of what you are trying to do you can analyze if you're able to give your product other applications. This is something people can have in their garages and use it for other purposes, you can probably start asking around. On the other hand, I can't think of any other thing you can use it for off the top of my head, but I will go back to your first interviews and see what other people think as well.

  11. Hi Jeff,

    First off I would like to say that you can really see the theme of summer in a lot of these innovation ideas. My idea as well had to do with boats. I think your interviews are going to help you gain a lot more insight about your products. I know my interviews helped a lot as well. The multi purpose ring would be great for people who owns sailboats. What I think you need to do to make your product stronger is go broader or narrower, make your product somehow exclusively for sailboats or make it to where it can be used for a variety of different boats.
